Moving Past The Label


“Doctors told my mum I would only have 5% speech and I would not finish school. I have 7q 11.23 duplication syndrome, its rare and there is not a lots of understanding or research about it. That wasn’t a good enough outcome for us and with a lot of determination, holistic eating, daily movement, different health modalities and self care I now proudly can say in spite of the specialists prognosis I have 95% speech, I did finish school, I have furthered my education and have even won awards for my art.


“Doctors told my mum I would only have 5% speech and I would not finish school. I have 7q 11.23 duplication syndrome, its rare and there is not a lot of understanding or research about it. That wasn’t a good enough outcome for us and with a lot of determination, holistic eating, daily movement, different health modalities and self care I now proudly can say in spite of the specialists prognosis I have 95% speech, I did finish school, I have furthered my education and have even won awards for my art. My family and I never gave up. We never stopped trying and believing I could live a good life in spite of my genetic differences. My biggest wish in writing this book is that it will help you realise a genetic difference, or a label does not have to determine your life’s path. This book is a guide on how to live with any difference holistically. healthily and wholeheartedly. I hope this book will help you to discover the gifts you do have. And most importantly I hope my story will help you to never stop believing in yourself, that you see your challenges as opportunities and that you learn to fall head over heels in love with yourself…. just the way you are through mind, body and soul. Sally-Anne Bower

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